What is the Wingate test?

What is the Wingate test?

The Wingate test is 90 seconds all-out effort and is used to identify your anaerobic weakness. This means the test allows you to quickly identify your weaknesses, so you know what to improve. During the Wingate test we have seen that there is three different weakness...
How to integrate GRASPOR with intervals.icu

How to integrate GRASPOR with intervals.icu

We’re excited to show you our first web-integration! Intervals.icu is a strong platform for you to dive deep into your workouts, and for the first time ever, compare your Muscle oxygen directly to your power.  This guide will take you through how to integrate...
How to use GRASPOR with your Garmin headunit

How to use GRASPOR with your Garmin headunit

The time has finally come, and we are proud to announce that you now have access to a live overview of your Muscle Oxygen directly on your Garmin headunit. In this article we will give you a precise and easy walkthrough on how you connect the two devices. So strap on...
What happens during a warm-up

What happens during a warm-up

Introduction This is the first part of a small series where we invited Ironman and coach Thomas Mortensen into the paincave with Jesper to keep testing! Both Thomas and Jesper are passionate about training and finding marginal gains, and we’re very excited about...