The science behind Muscle Oxygen

The science behind Muscle Oxygen

Muscle Oxygen: GRASPOR measures the oxygen saturation in your muscles. Oxygen levels in the muscles are critical because oxygen is essential to produce energy in the muscles. Without oxygen, the muscle can only produce energy for a short duration of time. This also...
Why Muscle Oxygen?

Why Muscle Oxygen?

Why you should care about your muscle oxygen and muscle activation levels?  Did you know that, if you start training without an adequate warm-up, you can potentially start the same processes that occur under VO2Max intervals? These processes put the muscle under high...
What is GRASPOR?

What is GRASPOR?

GRASPOR is your new training partner. This tool can help you improve your training through new insights and data from your body. But what exactly is GRASPOR, and how does it help? We’ll try to explain here. How does it work?GRASPOR works by measuring two...